Hoosier Hunting Retriever Club



The Hoosier Hunting Retriever Club was conceived by hunters, for hunters to give them the opportunity to work with their dogs, meet other people interested in the sport, and to participate in hunting retriever tests.  Our primary goal is help you sharpen your dogs natural abilities and become the dog you desire.


Please visit us at our new website: http://hoosierhrc.com/
For information on the club contact Jeff Lindskoog. mailto:jeff.lindskoog@eds.com

Club Officers



Jeff Lindskoog

7992 West 00 North South

Kokomo, IN 46901

Work Ph: (765)451-4193

Home Ph: (765)883-7664

Email:  jeff.lindskoog@eds.com


Vice President

David Wood

2378 E. 200 S.

Anderson, IN 46017


Email: julieandwoody@hotmail.com


Club Secretary,& PR & Newsletter Chair

Amy Monesmith

7025 E Doral North Drive

Indianapolis, IN 46250


Email: amy@blackpowderretrievers.com



John Gibson

16322 Little Eagle Creek Avenue

Westfield, IN 46074


Email: countrychase@att.net


Membership Chair

Deb Bowman

70 N Delphi Road

Rossville, IN 46065


Email: gordonde@ecn.purdue.edu


Membership Organization * Any Street * Anytown * US * 01234